Taxi Service
Taxi feature is a bi-functional service, it helps you to list all your cabs and drivers, allowing them to receive request from the passengers, and helping passengers to easily request for cab service through app.
Form Builder
Allow users to schedule appointment and send inquires with pre-set form formats. You can also create your own form for your specific needs using the Custom Form or create a conditional form using the Nested Form.
About Us
Specify the core line of your business, provide mission and vision statements, and highlight various awards and other recognition your organization has received. Other important details, like the date of incorporation and names of the founders can also be displayed to users through About Us page.
A simple way for your customers to reach you. This one page can help give all details for customers to either call, email, visit the website, or find your business on a map.
Display the exact location of your business, or branches right on the app, making it easy for users to get directions.
About Us
Specify the core line of your business, provide mission and vision statements, and highlight various awards and other recognition your organization has received. Other important details, like the date of incorporation and names of the founders can also be displayed to users through About Us page.
Hyperlocal feature allows you and your users to create profile for their professions like plumbing, grooming, welding, and others, with hourly charges, in order to get work as per their area of expertise. Your app users can either inquire or directly book an appointment with the service professionals